Thinking Out Loud: Random thoughts on running and travel

This is my 100th post!!!!!! Woohoo!

I am going to try something new this week! I’ve never linked up to “thinking out loud” and I figured I’d give it a try. There’s no theme, just random thoughts and ideas about running and whatever else I’m thinking about.

  1. This week has been a recovery week in my training, however, I feel like I am not doing anything at all. I feel like I’ve come so far in these past 10 weeks and I really want to keep going hard and running fast. It’s been really fun to see these big improvements so quickly and all I want is to see more! It’s like addicting. It is taking every bit of my reasoning (and fear of getting injured) to not push this week… to lay low, chill out, and give my body some time to reset. I also only have a few weeks of heavy training left before the taper. Three to be exact. The next two weeks will be 50+ miles, and then I have another recovery before the biggest week of this training cycle.
  1. And to bounce off of the thoughts in number 1… I am pretty proud and impressed that I have remained strong, on top of my training, and injury free. Even thought the injury was not running related, getting hurt heading into Chicago definitely messed with my head. I am just happy that things have been going smooth and that it seems like I am going to make it to this start line ready to go!
  1. I AM SO EXCITED ABOUT QUESTIVAL!! I head out to Dallas on Friday before the start of the adventure race. I have no idea what to expect! There will be lots of stuff to do, pictures to take, and very little sleep. This is my kind of trip!!! For those of you who have been following my blog for a while, you know that I tend to cram lots of stuff into my weekends, like insanely long hikes and weird little travel stops. I feel like I have been training for this adventure race for my entire relationship with Frank. This is our thing! We have two other friends that are coming with us… and I’ve already warned them that there will be no sleeping and lots of fast paced travel. We probably wont win… but darn it… I am going to try! Also, our team name is “Bat Llama”… long story.
I still don’t really know what it is…
  1. In other travel news, pending good weather, we are going to be heading out to Colorado in a few weeks to summit Longs Peak. This is a notoriously tough 14er within the bounds of Rocky Mountain National Park. The weather out there is frequently bad, but if things look good, we’re going to go for it. The only problem is… This is during the peak week of my training. I have not decided if I am going to cut back a few miles to accommodate this tough hike. The thing is, I am usually pretty good at doing stuff like this. I am not bothered by altitude and I’ve been going out to CO for 14er climbing for a while now. I feel like, although it will be challenging, that it wont disrupt my training. The end of the climb will also kick off the beginning of my taper. I am not sure if there is a better way to do that!
We’re gonna climb that giant mountain!!

Thanks everyone for reading my long and rambling thoughts. Thanks to Amanda at Running with Spoons for hosting the linkup!


What are your random thoughts?

23 thoughts on “Thinking Out Loud: Random thoughts on running and travel

  1. I am so envious you get to summit that mountain! I love Colorado! I can’t wait to hear about it. Take lots of pics. We’re considering a trip to RMNP this summer because we have never been. We will NOT be summiting 14’ers though! 🙂

    I completely understand where you are in regards of wanting to keep going and pushing yourself but knowing you must respect the taper week. I just had these thoughts yesterday! Hang in there sister. We will both be tapering this week- we can do it!


    1. RMNP is really beautiful! If you are looking to summit a mountain, there are a few others that are around 12,000 and are not nearly as challenging as Longs and are better for someone who is just looking for a day hike.

      I did want to keep pushing… but then it snowed last night and I have 12 miles to run today. I hate running in snow!!


  2. I went to Rocky Mt Park yrs & yrs ago — decades, really. It was so beautiful. The altitude was hard! We didn’t summit, but we did try some hiking up a 14er. Actually, I’m probably in much better shape now (altho hubby not so much).

    Have fun at Questival, whatever it is. I’m sure were all going to find out. 🙂


    1. Haha! Yeah I’m pretty excited to find out what it is. RMNP is so beautiful! I love going there whenever I have the chance. You must have been hiking up Longs, cause I think it’s the only 14er within the bounds of RMNP.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Congrats on 100 posts! I started blogging at the end of January and am up to 30 something posts. It goes so fast! Looking forward to hearing about Questival!


  4. My parents live my RMNP, but they don’t summit the mountains. They just got a ton of snow yesterday, so good luck! It may melt on the front range quickly, but the mountains have gotten a lot of snow this winter. It makes the ski resorts happy.


    1. Oh I’m not heading out there for a few weeks… plenty of time for the snow to melt. The weather is so crazy out there how it goes from pretty warm to blizzard within just a few hours.


  5. Your hike up Longs Peak sounds SO awesome!! I bet it will be amazing. Just listen to your body that week and you’ll figure it out. Remember, a little extra rest is always better than not enough.

    Running rewards the patient. The great test of training is learning to overcome our desire for instant gratification. Remember that the extra rest this week will pay dividends in the coming weeks. There is a purpose for everything, and continuing to push hard because you’re excited will only stall your gains, not increase them. What helps me when I get antsy during cutback/taper is finding things to keep myself busy that have nothing to do with running. Have faith in the process and try to be grateful for the extra rest – our bodies need it! 🙂


    1. It’ll be my first 14er of the year! I did 5 last year, but Longs is much more challenging than any of the ones I did previously.

      We got a bunch of snow last night… so that just put an end to me wanting to run. 🙂


      1. Ugh, we’re supposed to get some too. I REALLY hope it doesn’t stick…:-/


  6. Looked Questival up. Still not sure I 100% understand, but it sounds like a blast. Have fun!

    And that Longs Peak hike sounds like a great way to kick off the taper.

    Stopping over from Thinking Out Loud!


  7. Questival sounds amazing!!!

    I totally get you. I’ve been riding a high since my first race this year and love running faster than I’ve ever ran BUT I’m being soooo careful to not re-injure myself. I’ve been keeping to only 3-4 running days a week and making sure I do my slow runs slow. I’m not training for anything right now so I don’t want to over do anything. I’m actually quite paranoid about getting injured going into marathon training this summer–I want so badly to PR that I don’t want to mess anything up, lol!!


    1. I am always super worried about injuries… like any twinge or weird feeling and I’m convinced that I am injured. I’ve been lucky so far heading into Colfax. Hopefully that doesn’t change in the next few weeks.

      Just up your mileage very slowly, and I’m sure you’ll be fine. Also, lots of yoga helps! 🙂


    1. I know!!! I am so excited about it. I just got the list of tasks and it’s going to be wild! I have heard of the Barclay Marathon. I have definitely thought about doing it….might be a little too intense though.


  8. Questival literally sounds like it was made for you. I can’t wait to hear about it! That’s definitely the type of thing that I want to do in my mind but probably wouldn’t ever do. Then again I never thought I would go to Burning Man and yet I went in 2012 and 2013! ;-O


    1. I know! I feel like I’ve been training for Questival for years! Unfortunately, I don’t know Dallas too well, so we’ll be at a disadvantage.


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